Permaculture is an approach to sustainable systems design and a system of agriculture that works in harmony with natural processes, requires minimal labour, and has no harm for the environment.
Permaculture is based on the three ethic principles: earth care, people care, fair share.
It is a sustainable agriculture that complies with an ecovillage philosophy. That is why ecovillages movement and permaculture movement are tightly connected.
In Ukraine, the development of permaculture is taken up by Permaculture in Ukraine, public association, since 2013. That organization makes regular educational events, including annual Permaculture Design Course (PDC), makes conferences and permaculture meetings, translates and publishes the books, and offers consultations on permaculture design. With the efforts of the permaculture association, a network of training and demonstration centers of permaculture has been made. Some of them are located in the ecovillages. You can visit the centers at their courses or as a volunteer to learn permaculture and see it in action.
GEN Ukraine and Permaculture in Ukraine are partners in many projects.
You can track permaculture events online here::