The Buryakivsky family estate
Year of foundation: 2011
Specialization: We sell surplus products such as cheeses, yogurt, kefir, fresh vegetables, dried and canned, mushrooms, berries, jams, meat and products, eggs, young animals and goats, and carry out thematic and general excursions.
Languages spoken in the settlement: Ukrainian, Russian, English, French
Settlement description:
The household of Buryakivski family was founded in 2011 in Hryshkivka village, Zmiivsky district of Kharkivska region, within a land area of 1,3 hectares (3,2 acres). This settlement can be seen as an example of energy efficiency and cost savings in building with local and reused materials. It is inhabited by a family of 2 adults and 3 children.
The Buryakivski household is a unique example of autonomy and cyclical farming. The family has established permacultural connection of humans, animals, and plants. One of the founders, Dmytro Buryakivsky, takes visitors on guided tours to explain the interactions in this ecosystem and the life cycles that have been created. The entire family shares its experience in an open and inspiring way. They earn their living by selling dairy and vegetables to Kharkiv upon request.
The main building has been constructed with the use of earth bags and a green roof. One can spot a number of green technologies such as permaculture, terraces, crater lakes, solar greenhouse (walipini), rocket stove, solar and wind power, vermicompost and drip irrigation, earth and adobe construction, composting toilet, Timiryazev greenhouse, sun dryer, vertical layered cane beehives, and biochar production.
The settlement practices themed group guided tours. The latter are usually requested by organic farming clubs, gardening societies, local communities and other organizations. The most popular topics of tours are currently:
- organic garden;
- green building;
- autonomous household.
There is also a program for volunteers. The participants have to inform about the purpose of their visit and time of their stay in advance. The settlement provides moderate living conditions, simple food and work, and open communication. In most cases, the volunteers happily get what they
Phone: (067) 699-17-79
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Working with volunteers:
So ready. We provide simple housing, simple food and easy work. We expect 5-6 hours of conscientious work a day.
Contact person: