What Means the Term “Ecovillage” at GEN?
Ecovillage is a rural or municipal community which develops itself in all four aspects of sustainability (social, cultural, environmental, and economic) and takes part in the local activities for social and natural environment revival.
What if I Would Like to Set Up my own Ecovillage?
I Would Like to Travel to an Ecovillage but Cannot Choose One...
What are the Advantages to Join Global Ecovillage Network and Global Environmental Movement?
Why my Ecovillage Should Join International Exchange Programs?
Why Should I Join the National Ecovillage Network, GEN Ukraine?
Why Have We Registered the Ecovillages Network as an Official NGO?
Why We Became a Member of European Global Ecovillage Network (GEN)?
Why We Joined the Ecovillage Network in the Baltic Region?